6 Free Resources to Help You Succeed on LinkedIn
Before watching the video, we suggest you examine how effective your current LinkedIn profile is at attracting your most profitable clients by taking our Profile Readiness poll.
Use our Profile Content Worksheet to make notes during the Worskhop video. This will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and give you an action plan for making improvements.
Our Most Profitable Client Workbook will help you ask 12 penetrating questions that reveal what your most profitable clients are really looking for when they visit your profile.
PLEASE NOTE: This course is still in Beta development. Joining just gives you access to our Pre-launch survey where you can help us by providing your feedback prior to launch. What you “do” get is access to our Community where we provide you with a Free “Profile Recommendation Report.” Youl get a completely objective analysis of what will help you attract the clients you want based on your own stated goals.
Earn a Top Profile Badge and increase your status on LinkedIn. Want to attract more clients? A Top Profile Badge can help. When your profile meets our standards you can add your badge to your profile to attract more interest. Depending on how good your profile is, you get a 1, 2, or 3 star badge. To get yours, signup for our LinkedIn course and access our community.
Get your 15 minutes of fame! Once you earn a Top Profile Badge, you qualify to be interviewed on The Technology Trailblazers Club podcast. This guest interview gives you access to a targeted audience, enhances your authority in your industry, provides enduring content, personal engagement, wide brand exposure, networking opportunities, and it will help you get on other podcasts.